Teach a Class
Interested in renting The Arts Building for an event?
The Arts Building rental rate is $15/hour for private events with the minimum number of hours to be 3 hours.
(If your event is 2 hours, it would still be a fee of $45.)
In addition to the hourly fee, we require a $50.00 security deposit. Please note that there is no janitor or cleaner and users are expected to leave the building as clean as it was found - i.e. dishes put away, floors swept, mopped, as well as heat and lights switched off. If needed, users may move the child care furniture at their own risk to set up the room - however, please note everything MUST be put back as you found it ready for the child care program. If all these conditions are met – your deposit will be returned.
Available Amenities
Tables: (8 x 8 foot tables and 3 x 4 foot tables available)
8 easels
13 chairs
Contact us at office.huckleberrycoast@gmail.com if you are interested in hosting a workshop or renting Huckleberry Coast Child Care.